Let’s recap last week ~ “Mad”
One night last week I decided to go for an evening run. If you know me, you probably had to read that sentence twice. Yes! I went out for a run. It all started earlier that day…
I sat down to write the recap for Mad. A sweet friend invited the girls to play and of course, they were thrilled. Off they went, so the house was quiet. I had 1 hour to spend time with the Lord and write. THEN IT STARTED…and went downhill. I booted up the old (and I mean old) laptop only to find that I could no longer postpone the “Configuring Update”…which took 1 ½ hours. There went the playdate time!
After dinner, the girls went for their baths and I thought…bingo…here is my time. However, my backdoor portal to Microsoft Word no longer worked (thanks to my configuring update). I now had to enter my Product Key Code, which was lost about 5 years ago.
So… feeling the anger brewing and wanting to “be slow to anger”, I decided to do something healthy and productive, like exercise. But…you guessed it…I couldn’t find my running shoes. At this point, my sweet husband could only giggle (very manly I might add)…and, well, if you can’t beat them, join them. What is a girl to do?
Running actually turned out to be sweet time with the Lord and just what I needed. I don’t recommend running in the dark, but I learned something about the dark. A little light, whether from the moon, the tennis courts or God’s Word, goes a long way. When God’s light is able to penetrate a little of our darkness there is no stopping it. Just as our eyes adjust to the light, perhaps our hearts do too. As I ran, I noticed the amazing shadows the trees made with the moonlight, the way they reflected on the still lake and the way when I am totally fixated on Him I really don’t notice the dark, only the light. (My apologies to the lady walking her dog – I almost ran right into her!). I came inside from my run glowing (as my sweet grandma would have said). That is southern for sweating!
So I really didn’t think I had an anger problem. What about you? Did the Lord bring to mind places in your heart that were hidden or were they right out front for all to see? Either way, this is not how He made us; this does not bring glory to Him.
I love what Jennie wrote on page 54…
God doesn’t tell us never to get angry. God’s call is that we be slow to anger because He knows we are so easily offended. And in doing this we live like God: “The Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” (Exodus 34:6)
There is a time for anger. Jesus got angry, not because He felt His entitlement was threatened, He was disrespected or not getting His way. He got angry when His father was dishonored, or He was face to face with sin (a direct offense to His father).
This was a hard week for me. I thought it would be easy. When I prayed that the Lord would open my eyes, I did so seriously thinking that there was nothing to reveal. I praise the One who made me because in His infinite wisdom and grace He gently showed me the places that I need to do some work. Places I need to give grace, love, devotion and protection instead of reacting in anger. I am thankful that He who began a good work in us is faithful to complete it!
May we be gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (Psalm 103:8)
This Week ~ “Discontent”
I knew the moment this happened that I would be writing about it! I recently had shingles, and seriously by the Lord’s mercy He healed me quickly. I am truly thankful! By day 2, I was miserable… In addition to shingles, my body had a histamine reaction producing a second itchy rash (think chicken pox!). I was itching out of my skin. That night at 8:42 I could take it no longer… I needed Greenwood’s biscuits and honey. I know…that is not spiritual at all. In fact, I am sure you are wondering why I even bring this up (so do I, but I am sure the Lord is going to bring this around). My sweet hubby called out, “place the order” and he was out the door to pick them up by the strike of 9 (closing time). Did I mention he is amazing? At 9:10 in walks Prince Charming, quite proud of his booty (as in pirate booty ladies) with a pristine white bakery box. I open it. Wait for it….
“Real funny babe…where are the biscuits?…these are corn muffins…”
It was no joke. The beloved Greenwood’s biscuits are in fact from their sister restaurant across the street. Discontentment. It happens all the time. It happens in the big stuff and little (biscuits). It happens at work. It happens at home. It happens in our families. It happens in our marriages. It happens when we wake up and go to sleep. It just happens… or does it. Do we need to live like this? Do we have to set ourselves up to be disappointed? Do we choose to compare? More, more …more. Jennie says it best on page 57.
Discontentment is plaguing the souls of women… We need the big things and small things because we want something more, something different. And our souls are sick with it.
Discontentment… how quickly it reveals our heart, where our treasure is, our sick souls, our sin. It is like chasing after the wind.
Let’s Talk About It:
This week we are in for a treat! The day after I did Project 1 (pg. 64), one of my co-workers brought me a book that had been left for me the day before. You are never going to believe the title of the book… Kisses From Katie. God used someone I do not know to place that book in my hands!
I would love for you to visit Katie’s blog HERE. She is living the Great Commission. She is trusting the Holy Spirit. Life is not easy! She is sold out!!! Be inspired…Tell me your thoughts!
Two Questions…
1. How is the time you spend feeling discontent limiting how God can use you?
2. How is dwelling on discontentment a waste of time, energy and emotions?
Live content with the One who made us…
(Click here for printable study guide)
Below is our scripture printable for this week ~ Ecclesiastes 4:4, “Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless – like chasing the wind.” I encourage you to print it out and memorize it by heart.
Click here for your Scripture Printable (formatted for 4×6 frame)