We hope you will enjoy this “Faith Story”, written by Nancy Coles. We are so grateful Nancy was willing to step out of her comfort zone, be obedient to God’s plans, and begin an International Women’s Bible Study at Johnson Ferry. Is the Lord calling you to teach in Women’s Ministry? Do you have a desire to share His love with others? We would love to hear from you and will support and equip you on your journey. The Lord is so faithful…go ahead…take that first step…
“Surprised by Joy”
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. There are traps everywhere, “Bibles laid open, millions of surprises,” as Herbert says, “fine nets and stratagems.” God is, if I may say it, very unscrupulous.” ~ Surprised by Joy ~ C.S. Lewis
God’s Ways are not our ways became apparent to us as we (David, my husband, and myself) look back to see how He formed the idea for an ESL class and ESL women’s bible study at JFBC after our mission trip to China. For this trip we were adapting the principles for how to sing in English clearly to “how to speak English clearly.” During our trip we were frustrated that we couldn’t speak openly of our love for Jesus and share the Good News of the Gospel.
But God’s Plans became clearer…While He was preparing our minds to go in this new direction, He was also preparing Marsha’s heart to respond positively to my request to start an International Women’s bible study through the Women’s Ministry! Surprised by joy and blessed by Marsha’s willingness to reach out to these women God was sending to our area.
The next step was full of potential “worry opportunities!” Who would come? What does an ESL bible study look like? I had only taught Precept bible studies, church choir programs and twenty-plus years of music/singing lessons! I was surprised again beyond anything I could have even imagined!
The first class had about 12 women and 15 very small children (all of whom stayed in the class until they could register for childcare). My reaction was both panic and joy! For our first study I chose the book of Ruth, the story of how God transformed the life of a foreign woman. The wonderful women God had gathered kept coming and responded positively. I was amazed at what God had done! I was blessed and encouraged but most of all surprised!
Each year it’s a mystery as to what God is planning. But each class is perfectly gathered from at three or four countries. They come because they are all eager to talk with an American. They have no awareness that the “very unscrupulous” Christian God has brought them to this place not just to learn English but to be “surprised by joy” as they begin to learn about Jesus and His love and forgiveness for people from every country.
Now in our time together we are reading the Bible together very carefully looking for the Christian God. However, even though they are reading hesitantly in English, God knows their heart language and is translating clearly His message of Good News and, for some, giving them not just knowledge but understanding as well! I can rest in the assurance that He is accomplishing His plan and purpose for each one there. This class does not depend on my gifts or talents, but solely on His provision in the moment.
I’ll close with a note from my Japanese friend, Chieko, who did not even know the name of Jesus when she first came to our class. God used one of the Chinese ladies in the class to invite her. The “surprise” from this encounter was that God allowed just enough information to be clearly heard by Chieko for her to be interested in the class and know when and where to come each week. (This could possibly fall under the category of “mysterious ways” or “miracle” in regard to God’s plan and purpose for Chieko.)
Chieko wrote, “Thank you so much. I was really enjoy to be in your class. And I got a lot of sense of life there. I’m not for sure that I will be a Christian right now, but I have noticed that I like Christianity and I will try to continue English lessons and the bible when I move from Atlanta.” Thank you Chieko.
How I love God’s surprises! But the best part of this learning process is that we worship a God who is never surprised! He knows, has planned and will show His path in an unique way to each one He has called to come to Him. My part is to acknowledge with great joy and humility by experience week by week that, “Apart from Him, I can do nothing!” John 15:5 (personalized)