Hello Sweet Friends,
Today’s Reading … Leviticus 16-25
Yesterday, we dove into the specifics of the laws. Today, let’s take a minute to reflect on the reason for the laws and the impact that they have on our lives today.
First, God’s people are supposed to be set apart. “Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the people to be mine”(Leviticus 20:26). The Israelites were supposed to look different, act differently, worship differently, and spend their time in different ways than the nations around them. It was an integral part of their calling as God’s people. The manifestations aren’t quite the same, but Christians have the same calling today. We are called to be counter cultural, stand up for truth and above all, love our neighbors. “You shall not hate your fellow countryman in your heart; you may surely reprove your neighbor, but not incur sin because of him”(Leviticus 19:17). WE are God’s people, set apart for His glory.
Additionally, it is only in Christ can that we find rest from the law and a new identity that really sets us apart. The writer of Hebrews notes that the law is “only a shadow of the good things that are coming.” And yes, the law is a good thing – it makes us realize how much Christ had to atone for on our behalf. Not only that, God has adopted us as sons and daughters through Christ to really set us apart. And then he gives us the grace to live it. Sure, we’ll still fall, and that will remind us to run to grace. But the power of the law is gone through Christ (taken from Crossway).
Thank you Lord for the high calling of being your child. Thank you for the amazing gift of salvation in Christ. In your Holy Spirit, please give us the strength, wisdom and grace to live as a people set apart for your glory. Empower us to accept your invitation, “Trust Me.” Amen.
Love to you all,
“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return empty, but accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”(Isaiah 55:11).