Each week we feature a devotional, book review or testimony ~ a “Devotional Spotlight”, written by a woman in our ministry. May you be blessed by reading this week’s devotional from Jan Watson…
“Finding Direction…Using God’s GPS”
I was really struggling trying to find my purpose. I wanted to map out the direction and know it was right. Having moved to a new town, questions swirled in my head… “What am I supposed to be doing?” “What does God want me to do?” “What if I’m wrong and get off the path?” I really like a plan, so this inability to settle on a path in my new situation was creating analysis paralysis in me! Seems I couldn’t move forward…
Ironically, that was not the only “direction” issue affecting my life. I also have an ongoing struggle with geographic directions. I get lost all the time. It’s just exasperating! I can never figure out which door I came in at the mall… and driving??? Well, I’m sure my family thinks I was the inspiration for Carrie Underwood’s Grammy winning song, “Jesus Take the Wheel!” You see, I’m truly directionally challenged – and it’s a very real disability. The innate ability to see three dimensionally in your mind is called “transformation.” It’s what allows you to look at a one-dimensional map and “see” where you are in 3-D. Well, I just don’t have that ability and it’s oh so apparent when I’m driving. The easiest way to explain how it feels in my world is that whatever direction I’m facing is north…
So, needless to say the day I heard global positioning systems were becoming available on cars, I was ecstatic! AND they even talk to you to make sure you understand where you are going! That night I was awakened in the wee hours of the morning with the thought that God did exactly the same thing for me the minute I accepted His gift of salvation, sang out, “Jesus Take the Wheel…” and began my walk with Him. His GPS or “God’s Positioning System” provided the perfect path for the rest of my life…
Now, to successfully get started using a GPS system we need to read the manual… and so it is with God. He has provided Holy inspired scripture to equip us. It’s our user manual here on earth. Also, with a Global Positioning System, as soon as we put in our desired destination, the path is immediately revealed. Goodness – more similarities – What happens the minute we accept Christ as our Savior? The Holy Spirit, God’s Positioning System, is instantly there to guide you.
God continued to show me similarities and I got so excited thinking about them I couldn’t go back to sleep! Now, listen to this… just as a Global Positioning System is preprogrammed to know the best route to take no matter where I am, God’s Positioning System was also preprogrammed. Scripture tells us in Jeremiah that He planned my path before I was born.
Now, the GPS in the car doesn’t automatically speak to you. No, you have to turn it on. Hmmm… THAT brought to mind, Matt. 7:7-8! “Ask, seek, and knock…” Also, turning it on doesn’t automatically mean our ride will always go as planned. Sometimes we set the destination, head out with good intentions, then, get distracted with conversation, phone calls or just drift off enjoying the scenery and then miss the exit; OR… maybe we get so confident we know where we are going we go too fast and the next thing we know we are headed off course. Oh – my – gosh, the exact same thing can happen as I am walking with the Lord too!
But wait… there was more! God continued to show me more parallels. Think about this… What happens when you do lose your way… and don’t follow the instructions from the GPS in your car? You realize you are off track and confused again! RECALCULATE! Yes, it very quickly resets itself creating a new path… and now, here’s the best part… Once you are back on track, the new course never looks back… never reminding you of your past failure. Sound familiar?? In Hebrews 10:17 God says “…their sins and their inequities I will remember no more…”
Incredible! You know, we are all born into this world “directionally challenged,” but God loved us too much to let us wander around lost forever; God through Christ on the Cross has given us our own custom designed GPS, complete with instructions. Scripture teaches us how to navigate through this fallen world, and when we slip and fall, He is right there with us charting a new course. Very best of all, there is no blemish on our record. No looking back!
Analysis paralysis is gone! Now, every time I get into the car and see that GPS, I’m reminded that long before man invented a global positioning system, God prepared one for us. When we look up, and from our heart, say, “Jesus take the wheel!” It is installed!
One last thought – Those man-made ones have names like Tom Tom, On-Star, and NeverLost. Well, God’s does too… It’s called “Amazing Grace!” It’s never out of stock… always available.
The gift I was shown that night was spectacular and one that has me singing a new song with a new confidence…”I once was lost, but now I’m found; was blind but now I see!”