Hello Sweet Friends,
Today’s Reading … Judges 3-12
As we continue in our theme, “Don’t Give Up,” we are working through a book where the Israelites repeatedly seem to be doing just that. This is a very dark time in Hebrew history when “everyone did as they saw fit.” Something about that mantra sounds strangely familiar to the culture in which we live. In a time when absolute truths are politically incorrect and being grounded in your faith is offensive, we can easily imagine the state of immorality that enveloped the Promised Land in the book of Judges.
But… before we all get on our collective moral high horse and pat ourselves on the back for knowing where we stand on the days political issues, let’s stop to ask a tough question: What are the sin cycles in my life? The Israelites went through 7 sin cycles. Each time they would run from God, chasing after whatever felt good to them in the moment. Then, they would find themselves suffering the consequences, taken captive by their enemies. They would then, in desperation, cry out to God. God, in his mercy would send a judge to deliver them and usher peace back into their lives.
Have you been there? I have. Distracted and drawn away from God by the shiny things of this world. Chasing after comfort, ease and temporary gains only to find myself far from God and afraid in a “foreign land.” Crying out to God, I always find Him faithful (remember his call, “Trust Me”). He delivers me from my sin, however not from all of the consequences. From the safety of His embrace, I promise to never run from Him again. And yet, so quickly, I find myself caught in the cycle again. “But when they cried out to the Lord, he raised up for them a deliverer…who saved them” (Judges 3:9). The deliverer may come in the form of a person, as it did in the time of the Judges. It may be a phone call, a Bible verse, a song or a passing thought. But, of this, I am certain; when God’s children cry out to Him, He is faithful to deliver them. Wherever you are right now, whatever sin has you caught in a cycle, “Don’t Give Up!” Call out to God and He will deliver you.
Love to you all,
“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return empty, but accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”(Isaiah 55:11).